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Ocean Gallery

When creatures of the depth break the surface 

whale carving

Humpback whale

Working every day on the ocean, for a whale watching company, I have time to observe from every angle the magnificient azorean sealife.

With wood carving I found the way to express and freeze all the intense moments I lived at sea during the season and the way to recreate all the pictures I could never take.

All designs are unique. My inspiration is the combination of my memories and my feeling on each shape and texture of  wood essences. 

Mahi Mahi

made out of invasive species 

100% local and sustainable gift from PIco island - Azores

Wahoo Fish

The collection

The Blue Eden Alojamento Local - Licensed Local Accomodation : Alojamento Local Exº RRAL nº 2385

©2019 The Blue Eden

©Adrien Laydevant Photography - All rights reserved - 2019


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